"your partner in provenance"
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Embed trust and performance into your risk, governance and compliance outcomes

Our Purpose

Chain of Authenticity defines and assembles the processes and data for performance-focused teams to deliver on agreed outcomes that manage and mitigate risk, while capturing supporting metrics in an immutable archive. Outcomes and performance are presented in contextualised dashboards that allow managers at all levels and across all business units to take transformative, mission-critical decisions across a full spectrum of risks.

Chain of Authenticity allows you to deliver on any of your key metrics:


Chain of Authenticity provides measurable results and an immediate ROI to employees, customers, shareholders, and directors by aligning all team members to deliver on the same metrics, values and outcomes. No more performance disconnects.

All data, processes and outcomes are captured in an immutable, centralisedsingle source of truth”.

Our Technology

Chains of Custody embed intelligent gateways into identities, assets and processes that are computationally-linked to Digital Cognates in the licensee portal.  The Digital Cognate provides controlled access to affinity data that supports outcomes, the processes driving them, the data underpinning both, and the credentials of the people on the team.

Our launch application, ‘Chain of Authenticity’ does this by using proprietary, agile, scalable, embedded business logic to:



The processes and data required to build performance-based outcomes are resident in your existing infrastructure: supply chain, business process, relationship management, content management, asset management, IoT, fintech, accounting, audit and other vital systems. Chain of Authenticity complements these infrastructures, while delivering more context, focus, control, assurance and compliance.

Linking the Physical World with the logical World delivers much higher levels of veracity, trust, certainty and relevance in your outcomes. We solve existing problems and drive new opportunities in two high level categories:


Performance improvements, better outcomes, the reduction of disputes, and highly-motivated teams are the result of Chains of Authenticity. A virtuous circle of performance-based outcomes by winning teams.

Annual Review 2020

The unprecedented economic collapse of 2020 means that enterprises must respond with agility and certainty:


Chain of Authenticity connects the physical world: assets, processes and people with their logical world using a Digital Cognate.  It aggregates people, processes and data.  It archives all chain accesses and chain data in a single source of truth.  This delivers an audit trail to resolve disputes, improve outcomes and extract performance signals from your data.

DocuChain has developed use cases in these areas:
