"your partner in provenance"
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Mission critical applications demand performance-based outcomes

Mission-critical industries like aerospace, defence, energy, utilities and transport all understand the absolute necessity of scheduled maintenance to prevent spurious shutdowns; undertaking repairs with rigour and in accordance with best practice; complying with external regulators and internal governance; ensuring the safety of their personnel and customers; and protecting our environment.

Performance is measured across the organisation from board level, to business unit level, to line management to frontline engineering staff. Individual performance delivers group performance.  Consensus-based transparent outcomes bring teams closer together and deliver results for customers.

Correlating assets and processes with supporting affinity data brings a higher level of trust and auditability to outcomes, but current systems do not deliver on this critical connection between the physical and logical worlds.  Every asset or process in the physical world performs better when it’s linked in real time to its digital twin.  The digital twin provides curated information that adds granularity, veracity and provenance to outcomes.

Defining and executing performance-based outcomes in mission critical applications delivers measurable returns: cost savings, increased throughput, a safer and environmentally friendly workplace, improved quality, governance and compliance, enhanced customer satisfaction and engagement, and highly-motivated teams.

DocuChain embeds trust and performance in mission critical outcomes.
— Philip Leone, CEO

DocuChain delivers performance-based outcomes

DocuChain’s launch application, Chain of Custody, drives immediate and measurable returns, precisely because you helped us to design it with a singular focus on performance-based, auditable outcomes!

We are not blockchain powered, however, our API architecture will accommodate blockchain integration if required.

Chains of Custody are contextualised with individual operational and approval streams focused on a consensus-based, group outcome.

Chain of Custody achieves this by integrating Processes, People and Data on a transactional platform that delivers your designated Outcome.  All performance elements are captured in an immutable archive called a Single Source of Truth.

Chain of Custody allows end users to define their Outcomes and build their Chain around 3 logic streams:

  • Processes that are focused on delivering the defined Outcome.

  • People who take responsibility for the successful completion of each Process.

  • Data that supports the veracity of the Outcome and is entered into each discrete Process by the People responsible.

This business logic and its reflected Chain of Custody architecture delivers measurable operational, financial, regulatory and customer satisfaction returns.

Chain of Custody delivers performance-based outcomes for a wide range of mission-critical applications such as: production control, supply chain veracity, internal governance and best practice, external regulatory compliance, relationship management, credentialing of people and contractors, and the real time authentication of processes, people and data.

Every Chain starts in the Physical World and is represented by an Asset, Workflow or Entitlement that is linked to its Digital Twin in the Logical World.   The Digital Twin is an encrypted Gateway that provides access to Affinity Data that supports an agreed Outcome.

End users are Permissioned and there is Version Control of all data and documents.  Real time Dashboards optimise your decisions and generate your designated outcome

DOCUMENT: /ˈdɒkjʊm(ə)nt/ noun: "... written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information or evidence that serves as an official record. “

CHAIN: /tʃeɪn/ noun:  "... a sequence of items of the same type linked together.

DOCUCHAIN: /ˈdɒkjʊtʃeɪn/ action noun: “… delivers designated outcomes by connecting the physical world with the logical world to create a singular performance domain."